Saturday 21 May 2022


Self care feels a bit of a buzz word these days. A term used by companies to sell you an enormous amount of stuff you don’t need. A term that causes you to feel guilty for not wearing a deep cleansing face mask in a steaming hot bath the second you step through the door. The truth is though, I ended last year without a drop of anything left. Utterly burnt out. Completely empty. As the saying goes “you can't pour from an empty cup" and my cup felt like it had hit an all-time drought.

This provided the stark reminder of the actual importance of self-care before it became a marketing technique. Self-care in the form of whatever that looks like for you. However it helps you recharge and reset, and to simply take some time out for yourself. Living life at your own pace, and not the societal race. So for me, 2022 isn’t about just filling up my cup, but the whole damn jug!

With this in mind, I stepped cautiously into January. A slower pace. A new outlook on this new chapter. I knew for a fact how I was feeling before the turn of this new year wasn’t sustainable. I knew A LOT had to change. I also knew big, off the cuff changes would soon be given up by February, so this slow approach has worked perfectly. I didn’t want to rush it. Adding in small daily/weekly/monthly habits to make for a more consistent and sustainable lifestyle. Basically readopting the kind of lifestyle I rediscovered during the first lock down. A lifestyle that had fallen out of habit, and the historic pressures of how I feel like I should be living life took over again. 

I have always been utterly obsessed with the change of seasons, and have become so much more aware how our life reflects these transitional changes too. Winter is providing that recharging and resetting before the blossoming of Spring.

 It's a given that a brand new year, comes with a new diary and journal. Unlike years gone by when I would fill the month to view calendar with dull appointments and errands, I have designated this space to be filled with the things that make me feel golden. The things that help fill up my cup.  My little guilty pleasures of coffee dates by myself with a journal, dinners with friends, manicures, exploring new towns and places (all things I’m no longer seeing as guilty, but just the things I love). Oh and more regular massages….. Seriously questioning why it’s taken me 32 years of living to finally book in for a proper massage.

I’m also really looking forward to discovering more beautiful places and things, and sharing them on here in my Just Four You posts. 

2022... I'm Turning up for MY version of life. The one that is created for me by me. And not curated by some Instagram person I've never met before telling me how they think I should be living.

I’ve been having coaching and therapy sessions (which by the way should be a flippin given in everyone’s life). This has prompted so many fundamental changes in my mindset and self confidence. I find it utter madness how in England therapy is such a taboo subject.People boast about the amount how much time they spend in the gym, how many KG's they can lift. Yet no one seems to gloat about taking care of their own mental health. Well here I am, shouting from the highest rooftops.

I want this year to be the year for positively significant shifts, no matter how big or small. 

Doing the things I choose, and want to do. Setting out on my own path and not getting sidetracked.

But most importantly, I want to keep enjoying the small things...

My flask of tea on my morning commute
Birds arriving for their daily feed on my window feeder
Home cooked food with family 
Dressing the table for dinner
Pjs straight out the airing cupboard when you get out the bath
The arrival of my monthly magazine subscription 
Snuggling up under a blanket with a hot chocolate 
Being in bed by 9pm with a book, and a cuppa
Not rushing around 
Wintery walks, and seeing the early signs of Spring beginning to make their appearance
Weekly swims
The change in the moon and stars
A cheeky Sherry by the fire
Creating lists 

Here's to a year that looks good for ourselves!! 


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