Wednesday 30 September 2020


For me September has always signified new beginnings. Even more of a new beginning than New Year which just seems full of resolutions you break three days in, and the overwhelming sense that just because we’ve welcomed a new year everything is somehow magically going to be different. September seems a good bedding in month where we know the direction the year is heading, and it offers the perfect prompt to shape the last chapter of the year into the best one. It is also the gateway to my favourite time of year.

September is also the Queen of nostalgia when it comes to the start of a new school year. I have the fondest of memories of going shopping for new stationery and convincing my parents that I definitely DID need a whole new pencil case and pen set. Not to mention that feeling of writing on the first page of a brand spanking new exercise book. And can we please take a moment to remember scented gel pens – Shout out to the popcorn and bubblegum ones!!!!

This obsession with stationery is one that has been with me for as long as I can remember. It’s always been my absolute dream to have my own stationery business/range. It was also an addition to my 30 before 30 list, but one that didn’t end up getting ticked off.

During lockdown I started creating my little Love Notes which only fuelled this passion and desire of all things paper and writing. So whilst the old me would have continued living with this dream for the next few years (never quite having the balls to push forward with it) the Winging It part of me has said SHHH to this self doubt and I’m excited to say this dream starts now….

So beauties with nostalgia, love and passion all rolled into one I would like to introduce you to HELLO SEPTEMBER.

I don’t have a finished logo yet, nor a website or webshop but that's not going to stop me.  It’s the starting point to grow my dreams and turn them into a reality. It's my submission to the universe rather than sitting on this dream for another eternity. It’s the hello to the next little chapter of the Winging It Movement. HELLO SEPTEMBER will include calligraphy and also physical stationery items, which I cannot wait to share with you. 

 Keep your eyes peeled over on my HELLO SEPTEMBER Instagram for all the updates and latest news. 

Lots of love, a very excited Liv xXx


 *Image credit for the second image is Alinne Marst

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